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GAS Amalgamation Feasibility Study

To All Golden Age Society Members


You may know that on the 19th of July of this year board members from Golden Age Society (GAS), Yukon Council on Aging (YCOA), and ElderActive Recreation Association (ERA) met to discuss the next steps as outlined in the Feasibility Study on the possibility of amalgamation of the 3 senior organizations in Whitehorse.  All 3 boards expressed interest in amalgamation and felt more information needed to be gathered before proceeding any further.  It was determined that in order to proceed further, a group of members from the 3 senior organizations be created.  Three members would be selected from each group and would form a Tri-Organization Amalgamation Feasibility Team comprised of 9 members. 

This Team would be selected from the membership list of the Golden Age Society, the Yukon Council On Aging and the ElderActive Recreation Association.  The duties of this Team are outlined in the Terms of Reference document that is attached below. Team members would consist of members who have the skills necessary for completing the tasks as outlined in the Terms of Reference.  Skills such as proposal writing, planning, and researching would be necessary. As a member, you would be expected to attend and contribute to meetings and to have email and computer access.

If you are interested in representing the Golden Age Society on this Team, please contact the office at 668-5538 or email before the end of August 2023.  Although the office is closed until September 5th, emails and phone messages are checked regularly.




Duncan Miller








1. Purpose

The purpose of the committee is to outline the skill set and obtain the funding necessary to hire an individual who will guide the process leading to a membership vote regarding the possibility of amalgamating Yukon Council on Aging, Golden Age Society, and ElderActive Recreation Association. 

The Amalgamation Feasibility Team will be guided by the May 2023 Feasibility Study - Amalgamation of Three Senior Organizations (Yukon Council on Aging, ElderActive Recreation Association, and Golden Age Society) report completed by YZED Projects.


2. Team Composition

The Team membership will be comprised of three representatives from each of the three seniors’ organizations.  

•           Organization Representation: each senior organization will select and put forward the names of three interested individuals.

•           Team Members: while not a requirement, it is preferable that the feasibility team members only hold membership with a single senior organization, thereby ensuring more fulsome representation of their organization.

•           Team Officials: Chair, Co-Chair, and Secretary should each come from one of the three seniors’ organizations and will be decided by the team at the first meeting.


3. Meetings

•           Term: The team will hold their first meeting by September 15, 2023, and will cease to exist upon the conclusion of voting by all three seniors’ organizations regarding possible amalgamation.

•           Frequency: Team will meet monthly and where necessary, at the call of the Chair.  Actually, monthly meeting date and time will be decided by the Team at the first meeting.

•           Quorum: A simple majority of 5 members of the Team constitutes a quorum.

•           Decision Making: Consensus agreement of most of the members with minority objections as a result of discussion.


4. Minutes

•           Recording: Minutes of each meeting are recorded by the Secretary or delegate.

•           Distribution: Minutes are circulated to Team members and the Board’s of the three seniors’ organizations.


5. Team - Seniors Organization’s Relationship

It is important that there be an open communicative relationship between the Amalgamation Feasibility Team and the seniors’ organization they represent.

•           Team members provide updates and receive information and guidance from the Board of their representative seniors’ organization. 

•           The Boards will support the Team members by communicating with their membership to answer questions for the Team.  As well, the seniors’ organizations will provide the necessary support to the Amalgamation Feasibility Team to aid them in completing their tasks.


CDF funding deadline for Tier 1 <$20K is October 15.  For Tier 2 >$20K <$75K is September 15. And Tier 3 >$75K is January 15.

NOTE: CDF money is only for 90% of project.  The three organizations will need to find the other 10%.

©2022 by Golden Age Society. 

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